Black Mountain By Bike Plan

Black Mountain Greenway Master Plan (under revision - check back soon!)
Tax deductible donations can be made to support Greenway projects in Black Mountain through the Black Mountain Parks and Greenways Foundation.
Click here to make a donation online, and be sure to put "Greenways" in the Memo.
Wondering about the trails we already have? Here's a summary.
Lake Tomahawk Loop is the frequently used .55 mile loop around Lake Tomahawk. Easier on the joints than pavement, the crushed granite trail is not open for bicycle traffic, but strollers and wheelchairs can navigate with ease. This trail has been around the longest, and passes a playground, assorted gardens, a picnic pavilion, benches and picnic areas, tennis courts, and the Lakeview Community Center. The South end of the loop crosses the dam, built by the WPA during the New Deal in 1933-35, and boasts a great view of the Seven Sisters mountain range.
The River Loop Trail is approximately .5 miles and loops along the Swannanoa River in Black Mountain Veterans Park. This unpaved trail wanders through the trees, past a small picnic pavilion, and through the first half of the disc golf course. This trail provides a fairly level loop around the ball diamonds at Black Mountain Veterans Park, and connects to the Oaks Trail and the Community Garden Trail.
The Community Garden Trail is located in Black Mountain Veterans Park and loops around the Dr. John Wilson Community Garden and the back half of the disc golf course. This trail provides a save and easy connection between the communities North and South of Interstate 40.
The trail is approximately .5 miles in length and incorporates an inner loop to meet ADA requirements. This paved trail uses a pedestrian bridge to connect to the River Loop Trail and The Oaks Trail in the south half of Black Mountain Veterans Park. The trail is shaded by a wide variety of trees, including over 100 fruit and nut trees and shrubs. It is also bordered by a Monarch meadow, and has interpretive and educational signage all along the trail.
The Oaks Trail connects Black Mountain Veterans Park to the sidewalk network and downtown Black Mountain. This paved trail is approximately .5 miles in length, crossing the Swannanoa River at the West end and bordering the South edge of "In the Oaks", now the Black Mountain Campus of Montreat College. The trail moves along through a shady pine forest and includes hill with a steep grade. Plans for this greenway's future include continuing on to eventually connect with the Riverwalk Trail.
The Riverwalk Trail is currently about .5 miles and unpaved, and includes a loop around a rain garden and runs next to a dog park behind Bi-Lo Shopping Center. The vision for this trail is that it will eventually be the middle connection between The Oaks Trail and The Flat Creek Trail, providing safe travel without needing to travel on the roads.
The Village Way is a .2 mile connector trail between Black Mountain Elementary and Black Mountain Primary Schools. It parallels the one-way street, Village Way, and the median hosts a native garden with educational signage. The Village Way connects to the Flat Creek Trail using a sidewalk along Charlotte Street.
The Flat Creek Trail is approximately .5 miles long with the trailhead located behind the Primary School and traveling North until it connects to Cotton Avenue. The first section of the Flat Creek Trail is dedicated in honor of Emilee Russell. Emilee's Way honors a child Black Mountain who died as a result of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and was a frequent user of the Flat Creek Trail.
The Flat Creek Trail is paved, level, and includes interpretive signage about streambank restoration. Plans for the Flat Creek Trail include the hope that it will continue North and connect to the Montreat Gate, at the north boundary of Black Mountain.